What photographs work best


 No matter what you ask me to do I will try my very best to complete it with your idea's in mind.

Photograph help
1. Try to take the picture as many times as possible to show the color of the fur.
 2.Make sure there is no red eye
 3.Do not take the picture too close to the subject this results in some parts looking bigger than they should like the nose.
4.Choose the right profile that best shows the personality.
5.Take the picture outside 
6.Try to take the picture away from the sun glaring in the subjects eyes, this can make them half shut their eyes.

7. Finally, don't rush trying to get the right photograph this can result in you not being happy with the watercolour portrait when it is finished, and i to will not be happy with my watercolour.

It is important for you to get the very best focused photo for me to work from, in order for me to paint every hair and every eyelash the results are astounding. 










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